Wednesday, July 13, 2011

20 Days of... First Day Playing WoW (Day 3)

This is Day 3 of Saga's 20 Days of... Wow Blogging Challenge!

As much as anyone hates to admit it, we were all complete n00bs when we started out in MMOs, whether it be EQ, Rift, or WoW.

I was definitely a nub when it came to WoW. I'd watched some friends at college play, and had been interested in playing for a while, but resisted. Obviously, resisting failed. I still remember what I was doing the first time I played WoW.

Morgayn and Calin
A friend gave me a Free Trial card, and while cleaning my room one day while getting ready to pack for college, I downloaded the game and started it up. I sat on my bed and spent hours on the official WoW site looking at classes, races, and more. I wanted to make the most amazing character I could in my head. I had her story all planned out. I decided to roll a Tauren Hunter named Morgayn (and named her pet cougar Calin) over on Detheroc.

I caught on to the class, the spells and the questing mechanics fairly quickly. What I remember eluding me the most was the concept of gear. Whites, greens, blues, purples, oranges... I didn't get it. So, I ended up buying a complete set of white leather gear from a vendor in Ratchet while questing, even though I vaguely recall picking up a green here or there.

I've since become so interested in the game and its lore that my friends will call me "The Oracle" and ask me questions about the game and quests before others. While I'm definitely not as knowledgeable as others, or as knowledgeable on the new content since the Cataclysm, I still love the game.
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