So, without further ado, my gaming goals for July!
WildStar Goals
Chestnut- Reach the max tier of the PvP contracts for the first time ever
- Reach the max tier of the PvE contracts for the first time ever
- Reach max reputation in Crimson Badlands
- Reach max rep in Northern Wastes
- Complete purple PvP DPS set
- Complete my AMP (55) and AP (48) points
- Check runes on DPS set/Rune tank set
- Put up Yardcore Nexus twice for the month
- BONUS: Improve DPS rotation for raid if I'm going to be the Frenzy buff-er
- Reach level 30
- Armorsmithing up to level 30 gear
Cactuar- Reach level 20 MIN
- Reach 35 MRD
- Reach 30 GLA
- Reach level 15
- Run some dungeons with Tal and Chaide!
- Reach level 30 (Jhi'salith)
- Reach level 20 (Jadz'iaa)
- Access my personal ship
- Try out the ship PvP
- Max 1 of 3 professions to 400
- Get to Blue Mountains
- Run Hell (dungeon)
- Start getting LP videos up on the blog!
- Play some more to get past the first few quests
- Start getting LP videos up on the blog