Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Yardcore Nexus | Episode 8 - Katia Managan

Katia was great and stepped up as the eighth volunteer for my project, Yardcore Nexus, where I tour a plot in WildStar and interview the creator!

Get in touch with Katia:
Email -
In Game - Katia Managan/Katia Racer/Katia Storekeep
Katia Builder Toolkit (Housing Addon)
The Deku Lodge


Want to be a part of Yardcore Nexus? Contact me with your character's name on Entity and we'll set up a time!


Due to real-life, this took approximately two months to put together. While I don't mind that folks would prefer not to speak in TeamSpeak, it really does make things easier on my end to showcase their plots. It also didn't help that life got the better of me for a few months, either. My new goal for Yardcore videos is to complete one per month. If I get more done, that's grand! But I'm not going to beat myself up for doing something only once per month that I'm doing because it's enjoyable. Once it starts becoming unenjoyable, there's no point, eh?
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