Saturday, September 25, 2010

Guild Raids!

Our guild has been on a roll as of late with Wrath raiding achievements. (We're not just all about older content, though it's our current focus with ICC10 and attempts at RS10...because it's all changing and going away so soon!!)

We hit up Naxx a few times the past two months to try to burn out a lot of those achievements. And we did. We've gotten guildies any and all of the following (on 10 man of course): Momma Said Knock You Out, Arachnophobia, Spore Loser, Make Quick Werk of Him, Just Can't Get Enough, and all of the achievements for the various quarters. We've even downed Sapph (with a Pally aura, though next time, we're getting The Hundred Club). And, well, a picture is worth a thousand words.

I wish that more than two achievements at a time showed up. People got three or four on that run--Champion of the Frozen Wastes and Just Can't Get Enough and the like.

The past month we've been trying to hit up Onyxia weekly. To work on raid awareness and cooperation and recognizing voices on Ventrilo, etc. Also to gear up offsets and try to get that damned dragon to drop her offspring for us to ride around on (which has yet to happen)! We've gotten some awesome achievements in there, too.
Ignore the Lacerate mouseover. >.> Oops.
Oh yeah. That was an exciting night. First time for some other guildies, too. :)

We've even hit up OS once or twice for the Weekly. We always seem to get Dragons or Demons for our Weekly. Hm... So we've gotten a lot of guildies the following achievements.
Unfortunately, not everybody has gotten Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows, yet. Though we're going to work on it! And the three drake zerg. See if we can't grab all of those achievements pre-Cata...

Since the end of August, we've been working our pixelated butts off at ICC10. We've come far, and I'm very proud of the guild, as an officer, member, and raid leader. We've had some awesome moments and are currently 6/12. Not bad for about a month's worth of runs! I do have to share our first run's achievements, however...
Yep. First ever guild run we got these. It's a huge achievement for us, considering we're a "casual" raiding guild that maybe spends one or two nights in ICC10 on the weekend, and runs various achievement nights during the week.
All of these achievements make me wonder what our guild is going to be like come Cataclysm. Quite a few of us are interested in achievements. I wonder if we'll be trying to get the Guild levels and Achievements AQAP (as quick as possible).

Here's to Shade of the Elm! Huzzah!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

WTB [Battered Hilt]

I've been lusting after the Battered Hilt on my main. Literally searching the auction house for great deals for hours at a time. I'd done the research. The best weapon I could get (sans Battered Hilt) up through the first six bosses of ICC10? The polearm in Heroic Halls of Reflection. I got it. I did. I ground that thing out like there was no tomorrow.

And then it just got stagnant. There's no upgrades that drop, and it was one of the bigger upgrades I needed. I was stuck. So I started lusting after the Battered Hilt. Besides the fact that it's such an awesome quest line and the weapon looked so damn cool. :D

I'd searched the auction house for close to a month and half with no luck. I came home from D&D one night to find the Elephant playing WoW, and told me to sign on quick. I thought he'd found a VoA or something, so I hopped on. He invited me to a group and came to find me at the The Filthy Animal, opened a trade window, gave me some greens for my priest to d/e and then tossed in the Battered Hilt.

Yep. He tossed in the Battered Hilt. He'd apparently run an HPOS earlier in the day with some guildies and won the roll. And then gave it to me. Yeah, my man rocks. And then I had a total girl moment. I cried. Yes. I cried. You know you're a nerd when...

Anyway! I won't go into quest details as to not spoil too much of it for those that haven't done it and plan on doing it and don't want to be spoiled, but I will post some shots, so be forewarned. So, here they are!

One of the first parts of the quest chain brings you into the Alliance area in Dalaran. It was cool being a Bond equivalent in WoW. I even hummed the song to myself as I went sneaking around.
Blood Queen Lana'thel shows up at a point in the quest chain and gives some pretty interesting details about the hilt and sword. Really cool lore stuff. The Elephant and I enjoyed this part a lot.
The chain even brings you into a phased version of the Sunwell. It's definitely awe inspiring.
You even cleanse the sword in the light of the Sunwell. Along with some interesting dialogue from the NPCs. I hear that if you're a Blood Elf the events inside play out a little bit differently.
Dun da da! I got it! Unfortunately, since I'm a Druid, I can't use swords. So they gave me this shitty epic hammer instead. In all seriousness, I do love my new hammer. :) 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dragon*Con 2010 - Highlights

I went to my second Dragon*Con ever this year. My first (of many to come) with the Elephant. After waiting in line for almost three hours on Saturday (and missing one of the panels I really wanted to see), we ended up with pre-regs for next year and three day passes (which were mistakes, but who's complaining?!). Here's some highlights of this year!

  • Being able to spend an amazing Saturday and Monday being geeky with the Elephant. That's the biggest highlight. :)
  • Some of the cosplays: Gumby; Jay, Silent Bob and Buddy Jesus (with a farewell l'chaim); Jesus Christ Superstar; Lego Slave Leia (yes--really), Charlie Chaplin; Aang; a Cylon; and Hunter S. Thompson (my personal favorite, tied with Lego Slave Leia--mannerisms and everything).
  • Sean Astin's panel. While there were some questions regarding his work in LoTR, we had a blast chatting with his family (whom he called during the panel, because his wife texted him), listening to stories about his daughters, and just the general atmosphere. Great fun.
  • Being able to treat the Elephant to all things C'thulu and Lovecraft. Got him a C'thulu fanny pack which he absolutely loves. :)
  • Being able to find DS9 merchandise! The fangirl in me came out in full force! A DS9 pin with the title, a DS9-era com badge pin, and a "Never confuse wisdom with luck" pin with Quark on it. Oh, and my favorite? One of those school-type window decals saying, "Ferengi School of Business", which the Elephant and I will be putting in my window tomorrow. (Yes, I love my Ferengi.)
  • Getting to shake hands and get autographs from some of my favorite fandom actors: Jeff Lewis, Sandeep Parikh, John deLancie, LeVar Burton, RenĂ© Auberjonois, Armin Shimmerman, and Avery Brooks. I had to control myself from fangirling around the last three. I even got all three of them to sign the same picture: the Jadzia Dax DS9 crew. I'm hoping to get that completely filled out. ;)
Great story from the Elephant about our encounter with deLancie:
I watched some douche cut in front of Essence while she was talking with John Delancie from Star Trek...turns out I didn't mind so much - it was Fraking Jonathan Frakes - Riker - Number 1...a hand shake and a smile and he was on his way. I didn't mind so much...>:3
Also, when we were waiting in line for Avery Brooks to get settled and start autographs, he tossed a banana at the Elephant because he made a silly comment. Then a pen because he made another silly comment, and then shook our hands and signed the photo, etc. How many people can say they've had Avery Brooks toss something in their direction? :P

All in all, it was a great two days at the convention. Sadly, back to the real world...

Though, Thursday, the Elephant and I are going to go buy frames for our new wall decorations... :)
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